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Cochise Leather Company, Leather Goods Dealers, Cochise, AZ

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The Chaparral Gun Holster - H1925

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Western Leather Gun Holster

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Gun Model/Make:*
Price: $150.00
Item Number: H1925

Our western gun holster is made of two pieces of 4-5 oz. leather, laminated nap-sides together so the smooth side is out.  This process gives the holster more strength and durability.  The holster is sewn with nylon stitching for durability.

Each item offered by Cochise Leather is handcrafted at our shop in Arizona with attention to detail and authenticity and is made specifically to your order.  Since David custom makes every product offered on the website he would like to extend the invitation to talk to him personally about your order.



 If you need help or have any questions please email or call our toll free number: 520-686-2829


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