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Cochise Leather Company, Leather Goods Dealers, Cochise, AZ

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Distressed Rifle Sleeve

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Vintage rifle sleeve with hand carved bone and  hand braided bottom.buttons,
Vintage rifle sleeve with hand carved bone and  hand braided bottom.buttons, Vintage rifle sleeve with hand carved bone, hand braided bottom.buttons, leather fringe and beaded border accentCloseup of vintage oil tanned rifle sleeve leather flap with hand braiding and leather button.Closeup of hand carved bone buttons on vintage distressed oil tanned rifle sleeve.Closeup of leather fringe and hand carved bone button on vintage distressed oil tanned leather rifle sleeve.Vintage oil tanned rifle sleeve with hand braiding and leather firnge on barrel end shown from back.
Price: Call to Order
Item Number: ARS001
Price: $350.00

Vintage Distressed oil tanned rifle sleeve with hand carved bone buttons and leather flap button. Decorative side buttons are carved with two different designs. Hand braided at the bottom with leather fringe on barrel end of the sleeve. Colorful southwestern design strip is just above the hand braiding. Leather flap is also hand braided in a contrasting color that matches the button. Length of the rifle sleeve is 49 inches from end to end.

Please call 520-269-2542 or email for questions or more information.
Ordering is via telephone at the above number.