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Cochise Leather Company, Leather Goods Dealers, Cochise, AZ

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Classic Mares Leg Holster - H1966A

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Price: $175.00
Item Number: H1966A

Classic Mares Leg western leather gun holster with border tooling.   Available in straight or crossdraw and your choice of two colors, Black or Brown. This holster is fully lined and made from 5-6 oz. leather.  High quality nylon thread is used for durability in the stitchin of all our leather products. 

**Actual product color may vary slightly due to computer displays

The Mares Leg rifle is a cut-down, modified version of the repeating rifle made popular by Steve McQueen in "Wanted: Dead or Alive". The original Mare's leg was created by cutting down a 44-40 caliber Winchester Model 1892 to a modified size that could be used with one hand and worn in a large leg holster.  The barrel was between 9 to 12 inches and a large portion of the butt stock was removed.    It can be holstered like a pistol or put in a modified rifle scabbard and has the speed of a lever-action rifle.