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Belgian Braided Belt - B101

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Hand braided belt made of horsehair

Hand braided belt made of horsehairNeutral colored horse hair belt that is hand braidedRanger Belt Buckle selection for some Ranger belts

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Price: $95.00
Item Number: B101
Manufacturer: Cochise Leather Company


The Belgian Braided Horsehair belt is a beautiful neutral blend of horse hair that will go with virtually anything.  Belt is 1 1/2" wide with choice of 6 buckle designs. Leather belt billet comes in two colors, Black or Brown.  Uni-sex design can be worn by men or women.  

At Cochise Leather the utmost attention is paid to the quality and detail of all our handmade leather goods.  Proudly made in the USA!

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Belt Buckle selection for Horsehair belts



The Belgian horse is the most numerous breed of draft horse found in the United States. Originally known as Brabant in Europe but due to selective breeding in US, the American Belgians are not as large as the European Belgian-Brabant but it’s build is similar.  One of the strongest breeds of draft horses it stands between 16.2 to 17 hands and the average weight is around 2,000 pounds.  The head is comparatively small and refined in comparison to body mass with an exceptionally intelligent expression.  Since the 1920’s most American Belgians are a light chestnut/sorrel or roan and most prized are those with white mane and tail, white stripe on the face an four white socks.  Early Belgians were mostly bay, with chestnut/sorrel and roan variations. 


During the Middle Ages it was known as the Flanders Horse and played a large role in the development of other heavy breed draft horses such as the Clydesdale, the Shire, and the Suffolk Punch and Friesian. Throughout the centuries breeders in Europe particularly did not breed them to be lighter weight but concentrated on breeding a horse that was suited to it’s native climate and the fertile, heavy soils of the regions they came from.  By practicing selective breeding to promote desired qualities, the Belgian breeders have been able to produce a heavy draft horse that is versatile with exceptional power.

Belgians are known for their even, sweet temperament which is extremely important in such a large horse and is easy to handle. They are still used today doing all types of draft work that includes plowing, logging, pulling carriages, wagons, and sleighs.  They are known to be able to pull up to three times their own weight (or more) due to their large heavily muscled bodies with short, strong legs and are often used in pulling competitions. Currently the breed has gained a following as riding a draft horse is becoming increasingly popular whether for pleasure, show or jumping.

The world’s largest Belgian Draft weighed in at 3,200 pounds and the tallest stands at 20.2 3/4 hands.

In Europe it is known as a Belgian Heavy Draught (Draft) Horse, Brabant, Flemish, Brabander, Brabancon and Belgish Trekpaar or Cheval de trait Belge. depending upon the area that the horse has come from in Belgium.